Getting Started

CleF is presently installed in an anaconda environment under the hh5 project. First you will need to get access to this project via Once you have confirmation of your membership, you will need to log out and log back into Gadi for the changes to take effect. If you have issues joining this project, please contact us at

Once you have access to hh5, you must load the anaconda environment before use (on either VDI or Gadi):

$ module use /g/data3/hh5/public/modules
$ module load conda/analysis3-unstable

NB there is a clef version available on analysis3 but the one in unstable is more recent and has fixes for some bugs.

clef is accessed through the command-line clef program. There are presently two main commands:

  • clef cmip5 to execute searches on the CMIP5 dataset
  • clef cmip6 to execute searches on the CMIP6 dataset
  • clef cordex to execute searches on the CMIP6 dataset
  • clef ds to execute searches on non-ESGF climate datasets


The search works like the ESGF search website, e.g. Results can be filtered by using flags matching the ESGF search facets.


$ clef cmip5 --model ACCESS1.0 \
           --experiment historical \
           --frequency mon \
           --variable ua \
           --variable va


Everything available on ESGF is also available locally


$ clef cmip6 --activity CMIP \
           --experiment historical \
           --source_type AOGCM \
           --table Amon \
           --grid gr \
           --resolution "250 km" \
           --variable ua \
           --variable va


Available on ESGF but not locally:


$ clef cordex -dmod CSIRO-BOM-ACCESS1-3 -e historical -v tas -f mon